10 Actual, Official LSAT PrepTests Volume VI: (PrepTests 72–81)

10 Actual, Official LSAT PrepTests Volume VI: (PrepTests 72–81)

B. inggris As students, we must wear a (1) every day. From Monday to Thursday we (2) and the boys must wear On Friday, we must wear the Scout uniform. We must wear proper (5) We must not wear sandals, a T-shirt, or a casual wear at any place and at any time during the school hours. a pair of black (4) wear the batik shirt: The girls must wear a black (3) um elgsh We must not be (6) to school. We must (7) on time to class and to the flag (8) If we are late, we must wait outside the gate. We must not come in until the security guard gives us permission. We must (9) a paper before we come to class. If we cannot come on time for any reason, we must hand in a (10). from our parents to the principal. • late pants ● • sign shoes • • must notice • skirt • uniform come • ceremony​

As students, we must wear a (1) every day. From Monday to Thursday we (2) and the boys must wear On Friday, we must wear the Scout uniform. We must wear proper (5) We must not wear sandals, a T-shirt, or a casual wear at any place and at any time during the school hours. a pair of black (4) wear the batik shirt: The girls must wear a black (3) um elgsh We must not be (6) to school. We must (7) on time to class and to the flag (8) If we are late, we must wait outside the gate. We must not come in until the security guard gives us permission. We must (9) a paper before we come to class. If we cannot come on time for any reason, we must hand in a (10). from our parents to the principal. • late pants ● • sign shoes • • must notice • skirt • uniform come • ceremony​

Berikut jawaban yang tepat untuk melengkapi paragraf pada teks:

  1. Uniform
  2. Must
  3. Skirt
  4. Pants
  5. Shoes
  6. Late
  7. Come
  8. Ceremony
  9. Notice
  10. Sign


Berikut terjemahan dari paragraf pada teks:

Sebagai siswa, kita harus mengenakan seragam setiap hari. Dari Senin sampai Kamis kita harus memakai baju batik. Gadis-gadis harus memakai rok hitam dan anak laki-laki harus memakai celana hitam. Pada hari Jumat kita harus memakai seragam Pramuka. Kita harus memakai sepatu yang tepat. Kita tidak boleh memakai sandal, kaos oblong, atau pakaian santai di sembarang tempat dan setiap saat selama jam sekolah. Kita tidak boleh terlambat ke sekolah. Kita harus datang tepat waktu ke kelas dan upacara. Jika kita terlambat, kita harus menunggu di luar gerbang. Kita tidak boleh masuk sampai satpam memberi kami izin. Kita harus memperhatikan kertas sebelum kita datang ke kelas. Jika kita tidak bisa datang tepat waktu untuk alasan apa pun, kita harus menyerahkan tanda tangan dari orang tua kita kepada kepala sekolah.

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